Massage Therapy


“In my massage therapy practice, I draw upon a diverse range of education streams and extensive personal and professional experience in treating various injuries. For example; whiplash, concussions, chronic neck and back pain, frozen shoulder, issues related to the cervical spine including C1, pelvis, tailbone, spinal discs, sacral-iliac joint, sciatica, and hamstring contracture. Unlike traditional methods, my approach is holistic and intuitive, focusing on addressing musculo-fascia-skeletal conditions to treat the whole body.”

“Taking a comprehensive approach to understanding the imbalances of the body considering various factors such as decade old injuries, birth trauma, surgeries, or postural imbalances that contribute to pain and tension. I utilize diverse manual techniques informed by my strong educational background to thoroughly assess and educate clients. Through soft tissue and other methods, my goal is to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, increase mobility, and improve circulation in joints and muscles. Additionally, I have expertise in understanding biomechanical dynamics, including the fascia system and joint complexes, while considering the nature of working with the central nervous system.”


I combine a number of techniques:

• Muscle Energy
• Fascia Manipulation (Stecco)
• Craniosacral Therapy
• Osteopathic
• Manual Therapy


I recommend starting with a 90-minute session for your initial treatment but you can do one hour instead. This extended time frame enables a thorough full body assessment, providing insights, and allows for the development of a personalized treatment plan. Moreover, it incorporates stretching exercises aimed at enhancing your healing process and promoting overall well-being.


(Does not include HST)

Suggested Initial Treatment:

90 minute: $225.00

Subsequent Sessions:

30 minute : $75.00
45 minute:  $112.00
60 minute   $150.00
75 minute   $187.50

BOOK HERE BY TEXT or call: 604-202- 8570


Newmarket, Ontario

16600 Bayview Ave. Unit 203

Thornhill, Ontario

75 Sassafras Circle