"Helping you to discern the root causeof an issue, whether mental, emotional, physical or energetic."
Christina Haverkort
Mind-body medicine recognizes that the mind and body are interconnected, and that psychological factors, such as stress, emotions, and thoughts, can have a significant impact on physical well-being. Its is a holistic approach to healthcare that emphasizes the profound connection between the mind and body.
René Descartes, a 17th-century French philosopher, is well-known for his dualistic view of the mind and body. In this view, Descartes describes the Mind-Body Dualism, he argued that the mind and body are fundamentally different. The mind is a non-material, thinking substance that is independent of the physical body, where the body on the other hand, is a material substance that occupies space and is subject to the laws of physics.
While, energy medicine practices are particularly valuable for managing stress, enhancing emotional well-being, and improving physical health, often complementing conventional medical treatments. My work in energy medicine goes a step further by focusing on the energetic blueprint that your body holds. I guide you through the insights revealed by your energetic blueprint, showing how your body, composed of powerful energy centers, reflects the essence of who you are based on your life experiences. Additionally, I help you heal and shift energy that may have become lodged in a joint or tissue, assisting you in recognizing what you have been holding onto and facilitating your release of it. Read More+
Energy Healing
Distance Healing
In-Person Sessions
Massage Therapy
Cranial Sacral Therapy
Fascia Manipulation
Osteopathic Techniques
Body Work Training
Advanced Techniques
Upper Body
Lower Body
Spiritual Development
Workshop Series
Chakra System
Chi-Life Force Yin/Yang Energy
Heart & Pineal Gland
What Christina's clients are saying
“Christina can intuitively connect to a location, energy block or imbalance occurring, and energetically guide me through what I need to do to clear or heal that blockage.”
“Christina will help you ground and always gets to the cause of the issue whether it be emotional, physical, mental or spiritual. I highly recommend Christina to both those familiar with or new to energy healing.”
“I highly recommend Christina Haverkort who is a profoundly gifted long-distance healer. She energetically facilitates the safe release of trauma embedded deep in the cells, fibres, fascia, and organs of the body without any emotional charge.”
Quantum Healing
By Christina Haverkort (updated April 2023) Healing through the ‘Quantum Field of Energy’, is one of the most effective routes to processing trauma. The basis of all trauma is ‘Energy’. The concept of ‘Quantum’ represents the highest level of frequency that can be...
Nerve Injury
By Christina Haverkort September 2020 Nerves travel in close proximity to the bones and joints. Thus, a fracture or dislocation can potentially damage a nerve, which will compound the overall injury. As the fracture or dislocation itself is painful and distressing,...
Anxiety & Fear & Depression
By Christina Haverkort (March 2021/updated 11/22) Anxiety & Fear & Depression Feeling empty, feeling a void, lost inside or vulnerable are trademark feelings for anyone who is struggling with anxiety, depression, or hormonal imbalance or feeling a void...