Body Work Training


~ Work Smarter! Not Harder ~


Are you ready to expand your knowledge base with massage therapy or body work? Would you like to learn how to quickly assess and treat specific issues with ease? Or learn the importance of understanding different joints and their unique issues with the suggestion of learning a simple and effective on-table assessment protocol to tailor treatments accordingly.

Two workshops to choose from or both; Upper Body and Lower Body. Understanding why the pain in a joint complex and how to identify the problem and how to treat it is a highlight of this course, as not all joint complexes need to be treated the same.

Learning outcomes:

• Understand the simple bio-mechanics of the body in how to treat accordingly.
• How to perform a sub-scapular release and why.
• How to treat the sacro-tuberous fascia and why.
• How to identify a C1 upper cervical injury.
• Where to identify trigger points that involve muscle and fascia.
• A fascia pattern links the upper and lower body, the importance of this.
• Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation PNF application and why.
• How to treat tension in the legs, easily and effectively and why.
• Why gymnasts and dancers suffer chronic back pain.
• Treating the posterior scalene and why.
• Treating the Quadratus Lumborum muscle effectively and why.
• The 4 step process of effectively treating the Ilo-psoas-psoas and why.
• Why the knee pain?
• A series of triggers points that will change your treatment style and your clients will love you.

Not all injuries are the same or require the same treatment, I’ll teach you a baseline in which you can work from on conditions like these:

• Frozen shoulder
• Hand tremors
• Plantar fasciitis
• Tennis elbow
• Medial menicus injury

Each workshop is 3 hours in length. No oil required.

1) Upper body covers treatment of the C-spine, T-spine & Lumbar spine, abdominals, sternum, intercostals, shoulder complex, scalp, upper cervical region, and back.

2) Lower body covers treatment of Hip complex, pelvis, ITB, Glutes, Hamstrings, Adductors, quads, lower legs, ankles, feet.

More information coming soon, if you are interested contact me.